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Below is an email exchange I had with my Aunt Betty…

AM: I’m not sleeping. I wonder if the lady threw a curse my way like you suggested. I’m really agitated.

Betty: Do not give ground to FEAR or then you will be really messed up. I don’t know if she knows enough to throw a curse. But she is messing around. And with people like that, it’s good to image, think, and focus on the fact that you’re covered with Jesus’ Precious Blood and safe instead of giving focus on fear. Never focus into fear. Keep your focus in truth and in Jesus and forgive yourself. Because I am concerned your Perfectionist is up and enraged screaming, “You made a mistake!”.

I say to that part, ”Whoopee do!” I am human, and that means we were made to make mistakes and thereby LEARN. I am humbly human. Lay off! Go take a nap and calm down! I am so glad Jesus is my Lord, not you. Get used to it as I am going to continue to make mistakes so I can learn. As for you…you are fired forever and don’t reapply! Gather up your foolish suggestions and leave as I do not want any of them. ‘Mary, meek and humble of heart, please make my heart compatible with yours.’ You didn’t need to be a Perfectionist. You just focus on loving Jesus. Perfect love cast out fear!

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